Thursday, August 03, 2006

To Lebanon With Love (More Time To Bomb)


Anonymous said...

I came across your blog here when I checked my Technorati links.

I cried watching this videoclip you have posted here.

So many lifes gone, so many souls taken away, so many children, women, men, massacred..

This is what happens when we Muslims fail to adhere to what Allah SWT and His Final Messenger ask of us to be united and strong so that the enemies of Islam will not dare do what they have done and will continue doing so as long as the Ummah remain divided and weak!

Thank you for sharing this clip with us and it's an honor for me to be linked here to your blog!

I will try to see if I can repost this video in my blog.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi ta'ala wabarakatuh.

iam said...

To mahaguru58,I'm deeply touched by your sincere comments.Hope many Muslims can see more of such images potrayed in the internet.Other mass media will never post such realities to the world.